Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reason and Reality

Does it make sense-
-to try determining the age of the universe when we don't know what was there before its birth?
-to believe that the "big bang" created the universe in seconds out of an infinitely small particle
and, if it did, where did the energy come from?
-to believe that the universe has limitations when, if we were ever able to get there, we would
only want to know what is on the other side?

-to believe that the Creator must look like man, because the bible says that He created him in
his His image, or does such a belief merely show the fallacy of logic?
-to believe that religion, any religion can save our our immortal soul ?

-to believe that one political system fits all countries and cultures?
-to believe that there is only one type of democracy? If so, which country owns the monopoly of
the "only" true democracy...the USA, England, Spain, Switzerland or any other?

-to believe that reason is a divine gift and that all premises which are contradicted by the
evidence of facts (or apparent facts) must be discarded?
-to believe that cogito, ergo sum nakes man the master of creation?
-to believe that every premise which cannot be proven or dis-proven now will be proven sooner
or later?
-to believe that there is only a single reality?

Would it not make more sense to accept the evidence of human limitations?

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